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Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor (under 18) in the course of business


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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
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{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}
麥卡倫釀酒師精選單一麥芽蘇格蘭高地威士忌 (700ml) [旅行系列-螺旋槳飛機; 禮盒裝]

麥卡倫釀酒師精選單一麥芽蘇格蘭高地威士忌 (700ml) [旅行系列-螺旋槳飛機; 禮盒裝]

Origin: Scotland
Region: Speyside
Distillery: Macallan
Age: N/A
ABV: 42.8%
Volume: 700ml

全店,購買 滿HK$600 即享 免運 優惠

全店,購買 滿HK$2,500 即享 澳門免運 優惠

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


Macallan Whisky Maker’s Edition – 1930s Propeller Plane is a pretty fly bottling from the Macallan Classic Travel Range. As you can probably guess from that name, this was originally released for the Travel Retail market. Besides, it’s a bottle of their Whisky Maker’s Edition single malt, presented in a bottle with a 1930s propeller plane on the label. Which designed by British photographer Nick Veasey.

A travel retail exclusive created in partnership with acclaimed British photographer Nick Veasey, The Macallan Classic Travel Range is a set of 4 differently designed labels celebrating the art of travel. Veasey, best known for his X-ray photography works, has created four images honouring classic modes of transport: this lot is for the 1930s propeller plane. Others available in the set are, a 1930s roadster, a 1920s locomotive and a 1930s ocean liner. This photography has been paired with The Macallan Whisky Maker’s Edition from the 1824 Collection, with the design featuring on both the outer pack and the bottle label.

Macallan Whisky Maker’s Edition has been personally crafted by the distillery’s manager. As for Bob Dalgarno, from a mix of sherry and bourbon casks and bottled at his preferred drinking strength of 42.8%. And with fruity, sweet and spicy notes.


  • 澳門速運
  • 速運(海外) - 葡萄酒與清酒 (700ml - 1000ml, below 24% alc)
  • 速運(海外) - 清酒 (1800ml)
  • JumpPoint/順豐速運 (1 - 3 工作天送達)
  • 順便智能櫃取件
  • 順豐營業點取件
  • 自取(需預約)


  • Google Pay
  • 微信支付
  • 信用卡付款
  • Apple Pay
  • 支付寶 (HK)_SHOPLINE Payments
  • 銀行轉帳/ATM
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}